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Vitamin D and why chiropractors love it

Written by Penny Aviles, DC, CACCP | Jun 14, 2024 9:41:53 PM

A sunny day makes us all happy in all aspects of our being. Functionally speaking, we have more energy, increased feelings of pep, and may even feel like we can breathe better! Except for those who are still struggling with horrible allergies, and for that, Jean Pierre has made a great video for sinus self-massage Check it out on FB here!

But I digress...

You may have heard that vitamin D is good for the bones, the immune system, and our moods.  Which is a simple way of saying that vitamin D is needed in the production of neurotrophins and their release.  Neurotrophins play important roles in the formation and survival of neurons. Vitamin D also has a role in the creation of neurotransmitters like serotonin, in the balance of calcium transfer between cells, and in the prevention of oxidative stress damage on nervous tissue. In other words, vitamin D is SUPER important for your NERVOUS SYSTEM's health, and that is why chiropractors LOVE it! 

Just like we, chiropractors, prefer all things natural, what we love the most about Vitamin D is making it naturally. All you need is the sun and your skin, simple! 

There are some recommendations to follow to make sure you keep your skin healthy from overexposure to UV rays, here is what I recommend:

  • Follow the "shadow rule" to know when to stay out of the sun. When your shadow is shorter than you are, UV rays are more likely to cause sunburn.

  • Get sun kissed before 10am if possible. There is a higher ratio of UVB to UVA rays at this time of day. UVB radiation is what aids the body in producing vitamin D3. The UVA radiation is the most damaging to the skin.

  • Show off your glorious belly and wonderful thighs, let them shine!
    • Your belly and thighs are the best surfaces of your body for the most natural Vitamin D production! Dr Oscar Serrallach in his book The Postnatal Depletion Cure  recommends 15-20 minutes of morning sun with the face protected and the belly and thighs exposed, 3 times per week. This is for people with mild deficiency or low normal levels of vitamin D. If you live in New England and have no chronic disease, you automatically belong to this category 😉. You can make 20,000 IU of vitamin D this way. After those 15 - 20 minutes, cover up or apply a high SPF sunscreen. Do not get into water or shower for at least 10 minutes after your sun exposure, as you can completely wash off the vitamin D that has just formed on the surface of your skin. NOTE: If you burn easily, then supplements are a better source of vitamin D than the sun. 
  • If you know you're much more deficient in vitamin D, or you burn easily, or like most of us are indoors at work before 10am or after 4pm, during those optimal hours of sunshine elixir magic making. Here are my supplement recommendations on vitamin D supplementation, non-toxic SPF products and some hydrating electrolyte products we love. Just follow this link.



Wrzosek, Małgorzata et al. “Vitamin D and the central nervous system.” Pharmacological reports : PR vol. 65,2 (2013): 271-8. doi:10.1016/s1734-1140(13)71003-x